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Since 4 years I am active as "a single fighter" in the west of Uganda. By chance I landed there, working voluntarily for the senior citizens experts service ( in the field of IT, and I now aim at the connection of sustainable, decentralised energy supply with the education in the IT area to make a small contribution to the progress of this developing country. Through the organisation of two bicycle tours I have brought home the beauty of Ugandan nature reserves to people of the 1st world, as well have them sensitised for the problems of the civil society of Uganda. With the revenues of the bicycle tours and donations of the participants I could install solar plants on an orphanage and 2 schools and finance 2 roofs on the buildings of a secondary school. Then with brought, used laptops and the now available power supply I have voluntarily carried out computer courses for teachers and students, which knew a computer only from the hearing legend.
In summer, 2018 more computer courses and installations of solar plants are planned.
If you are interested in my project or perhaps even want to take part in a cycling trip, you can send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Meanwhile, I have also founded the non-profit organization

Uganda Friends. e.V. (

so that tax-deductible donation certificates can be issued for sponsoring.